
What Backpacking Gear Do You Need For An Adventure?

There’s lots to consider when decided what backpacking gear you need on your trip. The ‘essential’ backpacking gear list is endless, but really, some of the gear is not really essential for every trip. What you need to take with you depends on how long the trip is, where you are going, what accommodation you’ll be using, what activities you’ll be doing and your budget. If you’re only going to cities for a week, do you really need walking gear? Likewise, if you’re mainly trekking do you really need that smart outfit? The backpacking gear needed is different for everyone and different for every trip. Here is my list that I use as a starting point to figure out what I need for each trip.

Everyday Backpacking Gear

Everyday backpacking gear comprises of some obvious essentials and some less obvious ones. The majority you will need for every trip.

Backpacker Clothing

This backpacking gear is a basic clothing list that you may want. You may need all (for a long trip going to various places where the climate differs) or just some (if you’re having a short trip where the climate will be the same). If you’re travelling a lot, think comfort, not fashion!


The following electronical backpacking gear are just examples of what you may want to take with you. Depends if you want to contact people, take pictures etc.

Weather Dependent Gear

If you’re only going to a few places where the climate will stay roughly the same, you’ll want to plan for that climate. If you’re travelling through a few climates, you’ll need to be prepared for all! Some of the below backpacking gear you will also only need for certain activities.

Place Dependent Gear

Some backpacking gear you will only need for certain countries. The below are generally not needed for first world countries.

The above list are just guides to work from, not a definite list. Where you’re going, what you’re doing, how long the trip is and your budget will all affect what backpacking gear you take. Use this blog as a starting point for what backpacking gear you need.