
Jet Lag

Jet Lag, it’s every traveller’s nightmare. The combinations of crossing time zones and lack of sleep causes the body’s natural rhythm to be disrupted. This can cause fatigue, headaches and even digestion upsets, not how you want to start your adventure! Even worse, these effects can last for days! However Jet Lag is completely normal and is actually one of the most common sleep disorders.

Your Body Clock

Jet Lag happens as your body’s natural rhythms are disrupted. These rhythms tell you when it’s time to go to sleep and time to stay awake. Your body clock can be ‘stuck’ on the time zone you left. Put simply your external and internal clocks don’t agree.

Your body clock normally resets using the light and dark cycle of, well, the world. But if you cross a few time zones this can put your clock completely off and take a few days to get back to normal.

Jet Lag

Jet Lag is completely normal, but some people are more at risk than others. Some people get over the effects quicker, others take days. But it’s part of travel, especially long haul travel.

Although Jet Lag is pretty much unavoidable, don’t worry, there is hope! There are ways you can reduce its effects before, during and after your flight. One important point is to try and sleep. I admit, not the easiest thing to do on a flight, what with the noise and the far-from-comfy seats. One thing I recommend is the Sleep Master Sleep Mask, which shuts out light and muffles noise.

For more information, I love this infographic by Quill that explains how to reduce the effects:

So Jet Lag will happen to everyone. Don’t worry about it! Just try to reduce the effects using the above advice, that’s literally all you can do!