Medical Tourism, to me those two words don’t go together at all! Though I do understand why some people do go somewhere just for a procedure, if it really is needed. But there are a lot of risks with this, you need to do a lot of research beforehand. Here Roxana has contributed another guest post to tell us what we need to know about safe medical tourism:
For most of us, the idea of spending our vacation in a hospital sounds like a nightmare. We want to run away from everyday realities and spend some time relaxing on a nice beach, and if we end up in a medical facility it usually means something went wrong. However, in the world of medical tourism, travelling to another country just to go to a hospital is exactly what people want to do. They’ll travel to another place specifically to get certain procedures done. It’s even becoming a common enough of a practice that some countries are starting to thrive on it. But what exactly does it entail, where can you go, and most importantly, how can you stay safe? The answers to those questions lie below, so if you’re curious, read on.
Why Travel Just To Get A Procedure?
Why Do People Travel For A Procedure
Plain and simple — to save money. The cost of healthcare in developed countries is becoming exorbitant, and unless you’re covered with really good medical insurance, chances are that you might not be able to afford a surgery you desperately need. For example, a heart bypass surgery can cost around $70,000 in America. But if you were to go to India, you could get the same procedure for around $7,000. For some people, travelling to another place is the only chance.
An even more booming branch of medical tourism is related to plastic surgery — liposuction, breast augmentation, nose jobs, face lifts, you name it. If you long to make a change on your body but can’t afford it in your own country, the low cost of air travel and the abundance of excellent plastic surgeons in other places could give you what you need.
Of course, for some people, travelling is the matter of finding the right kind of professional. Some doctors are internationally well-known for their skills, and many seek them out to get better results.
The Current State Of Medical Tourism
As long as patients have to deal with expensive healthcare and long waits to get a procedure done, medical tourism will thrive. While it’s definitely not a new practice, the rise of globalisation and the internet makes it incredibly easy for people to find clinics, book air tickets and schedule appointments. We still aren’t sure how all of this will influence the medical industry and what kind of consequences it might bring. But so far, patients are happy to have better options.
Who Thought You May Need A Passport For A Procedure?
Popular Countries To Go To
Asian countries are usually the most popular choice, with India being one of the key players. Saving between 65%-90% of the cost for the patients, this is a good destination for anyone who’s looking to get a procedure done quickly and cheaply. Other popular countries are Brazil, Spain, Mexico, and Malaysia. A lot of people tend to spend their recovery period in these countries as well — after all, they’re beautiful, and since you’re already there, why not enjoy it?
How To Stay Safe
Make Sure You Stay Safe – Do Your Research
Of course, medical tourism carries certain risks, and patients who are looking to stay safe should take proper steps.
First, notify your primary care provider where you’ll be going and why. Be sure to get good travel insurance, and do your research. Do not go to facilities that don’t have proper accreditation, and don’t focus on the price only. The easiest way to make it all run smoothly is to use platforms like Booknowmed that help you book everything safely while still remaining entirely cost-effective. Do your homework and check out both the doctor and the clinic you intend to visit online. If possible, bring a family member of a friend with you. They can provide valuable support during recovery time and help you deal with any necessary paperwork.
It’s also advisable to check your medical insurance. Most overseas procedures won’t be covered by you insurance, so check all the policies. Make sure you talk to your insurance provider, and make backup plans just in case.
Who Can Benefit From Medical Tourism
Besides plastic surgery, dental procedures, hair transplants and infertility treatments are very popular reasons to go to a different country. It simply gives you the option to afford something that might otherwise be far too expensive for your budget. And as long as you do your research, you can find excellent health professionals. Of course, you can always discuss this with your doctor and ask them for a recommendation on where to go and how to go about it.
As Long As You Do Your Research You Should Be Safe
Medical tourism can be a safe, effective way to get the procedure you need. However, it does need to be researched in advance. Practice caution and use a good booking agency, read up on the doctor you plan to visit, and try to get in touch with the clinic before you even travel to see it. Look for online reviews and make sure the facility is accredited properly. Do some extensive research and you should be able to organise a perfectly safe, enjoyable trip.