You Don’t Have To Be Rich To Travel Well

“You don’t have to be rich to travel well”

This quote is true for so many travellers and backpackers today. And many people that don’t travel don’t believe this. But where does the quote come from and what does it mean?

The Quote Source

The quote is by Eugene Fodor, often referred to as ‘the spy who travelled’. He was born in Hungary, raised in Czechoslovakia and educated in France and England. He eventually became a travel writer and revolutionized the travel publishing industry. He had a passion for learning the local cultures and interacting with the people.

What This Travel Quote Means To Me

I feel that this quote is so true. Many travellers and backpackers travel on a ‘shoestring’ around the world day after day. Yes, travel costs money, but it doesn’t have to cost the world if you know how to. Don’t stay in a private room or a five star hotel, don’t travel first class, don’t go to the most expensive restaurant. There’s plenty to enjoy and experience without breaking the bank!

In fact, some of the best experiences don’t have to cost a penny. Talk to locals, just walk around a city and get a ‘feel’ for the place.

Money is not an excuse not to travel. Although many people I know use it as an excuse (that and ‘it’s not the right time’). You can sacrifice to make enough money to travel. Stop buying lunch every day, make it yourself, work more hours, reduce the drinking or smoking. You’ll be amazed how quickly you can save up with just a few little changes.

You can also work as you travel or Wwoof. You can stay on the road for as long as you want if you’re clever about it. It’s not about having loads of money, it’s how you do it and your attitude!

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Author Bio: Nat

I’m Nat, the backpacker behind natpacker. From the UK, I was bitten by the travel bug during a round the world trip in my early twenties. Since then I have been determined to see as much of this world as possible. My passion for travel led me to start up this blog, partly to record my adventures and partly to inspire others to travel.

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