Family road trips are not something I have experience. Even as a child my family didn’t do a road trip holiday. It’s a shame as this is a great way to travel. Here are seven tips from Jonathon on how to make road trips family friendly:
My favourite childhood memories are of the numerous road trips we’ve had across the States and beyond. Road trips with kids can be fun! And annoying, yes, but fun nonetheless. It’s easy to get upset about management of the trip, but don’t fret. We’ve got you covered. Here are given seven easy steps to make your family road trip an ultimate success and a beautiful memory!

Family Road Trips Should Be Fun
1. Pack Smartly
The top tip is packing as smartly as is possible. If you have a baby with you, car seat is a must! But there are other items that you might need to keep this trip running smoothly and make it more fun! Always pack extra baby wipes, don’t stack the diaper because the space can be used for something else. Keep the medicines of your children and anti-allergies because it is very easy to catch viral diseases during traveling.
2. Plan Carefully
Road trips are fun when the plan is flexible, but this can get a little hard to manage if you have kids. You should know when your kids are going to have to pee, at what time do they sleep and plan your meals according to them. In short, you have to keep their body clock in mind while planning the whole trip. So it is advisable to keep looking for good spots where you can stop and take respite.
3.Take Turns
This is a rather fun task, you get to split the duties and swap them the entire road trip so that no ones gets bored or tired of either driving or taking care of meals, and looking after the kids and other such things.
4.Bring Some Entertainment
A family trip is no fun without loads of board games. If you have little ones with you on the road trip, you can entertain them by reading out their favorite stories or singing nursery rhymes to them. Don’t forget to pack their toys and some colors and art books with you. Kids can never get enough of color crayons and sketchbooks.

Keep Everyone Happy On Your Road Trip
5. Choose Your Hotel Carefully
If you’re traveling with family, look into booking hotel for the night very carefully. Why? Once again your kids need more rest and space to play around and explore than you do. Prefer booking a hotel that has a pool so your kids and you can refresh after an exhaustive and long drive.
6. Expect The Unexpected
This phrase has a lot more importance if you’re on a road trip with your kids and not just on your own or with your spouse. You have to keep the travel sickness in mind and be vigilant and careful about the weather. A first-aid kit is a must! Extra automobile oils and an extra jar of formula milk for your toddler.
7. Car Alarm
This is of ultimate importance; keep your car’s alarm working and active. You don’t want your car or other stuff stolen in an unknown city. Look here for best car alarms that you can get.
I hope these tips and tricks help you make your family trip comfortable and easy!